Tehachapi - Un film de JR
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Date :
DVD zone 2
Movie directed by JR - 1h28
Language : FRENCH ONLY
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The United States accounts for 4.2% of the world’s population but 20% of the world’s incarcerated individuals. In October 2019, artist JR received unprecedented authorization to work inside one of California’s most violent high-security prisons: Tehachapi. Some of the inmates there are serving life sentences for crimes committed while they were still minors. Through his mural project, JR brings together the portraits and stories of these men, offering a different perspective on the prison system and delivering a message of hope and the possibility of redemption.
Video Bonus:
- Audio testimonies from the 48 participants of the fresco (Duration: 6h15)
- Interview with JR (Duration: 8 mins)
- Press kit
- A sticker "JR’s Projects in Tehachapi": a collection of 5 exclusive printed photos
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